Northland and Metropolitan Auckland DHBs increase COVID-19 testing capacity
Community testing capacity in Northland and Auckland has been rapidly expanded in response to strong public demand.
Community testing capacity in Northland and Auckland has been rapidly expanded in response to strong public demand.
Northland DHB and NZ Police recently conducted four Controlled Purchase Operations at licensed premises throughout Northland with mixed results.
by Abbey Cameron
Tū Tira (meaning Stand Together) is a professional development opportunity where Kaimahi Māori can come together
Northland District Health Board is among five health institutions across New Zealand, and Australia awarded for their leadership in climate action.
Research into inequities in accessing appendicitis treatment has earned Brodie Elliot a top prize with the Australasian Surgical Research Society (SRS).
by Abbey Cameron
Our anaesthetic technician's (ATs) delivered one of the best NZATS conferences to date, earlier this month.
by Abbey Cameron
Pioneering waka ama club, Ngā Hoe Horo o Pawarenga, has partnered with Northland DHB to establish a recovery programme for mental health and addiction clients.
There are no new cases of COVID-19 to report in New Zealand today.
A visitor to Northland, who spent time at Kiwi North in Maunu, Whangarei on 28 July tested positive for COVID-19 on arrival back in their home country recently.
Dean Reihana is 71 years old, has been having dialysis treatment for five years and has been granted financial assistance from the COVID-19 Patient Support Fund
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