2024 International Nurses Day Marked by Installing Artwork in Mental Health and Addictions Facilities | Te Whatu Ora - Te Tai Tokerau

2024 International Nurses Day Marked by Installing Artwork in Mental Health and Addictions Facilities

Te Tai Tokerau Mental Health and Addictions services marked 2024 International Nurses Day by installing artwork in arrival areas of mental health buildings across Northland. 

The artwork was made possible by Health Fund PLUS, a partnership between Northland Community Foundation and Te Whatu Ora in Te Tai Tokerau. The partnership focuses on raising funds for projects that sit outside the scope of government funding.   

“The purpose of the artwork project is to make building entrances as welcoming as possible,” offered Jane Simperingham, Nurse Director, Mental Health and Addictions Services. 

“Making spaces more welcoming is a recognised intervention to reduce distress at inpatient units, especially on arrival.” 

The grant was shared across Mental Health and Addictions facilities in Northland. Some services generously donated their share of the funding to support the Tumanako Inpatient Unit purchase of a wall decal for one of the arrival areas in the high care area. 

The wall decal gives the acute mental health unit setting some nature-based imagery as a foundation for the room. 

When people arrive at a better visual environment, it can calm them, enhance their dignity, and support the development of better therapeutic relationships. 

Mental health and addictions nurses, alongside all multi-disciplinary team members, work very hard to build alliances with people who are acutely mentally unwell and distressed. When people feel comfortable and calm, they often engage better with the staff. 

Establishing rapport with people is the first step in building therapeutic relationships, which are an absolute cornerstone of mental health and addiction nursing. 

“The nursing staff and their colleagues thoroughly appreciate the funding for the decal, which will benefit the tangata whaiora using the Tumanako unit in times of crisis,” Jane said. 

Health Fund PLUS

The Northland Community Foundation manages our charitable accounts and major fundraising. Health Fund PLUS holds funds in the Charitable Account that have been donated to Health New Zealand in Te Tai Tokerau.

Projects such as enhancing healing spaces, developing our workforce, and purchasing additional equipment and services make all the difference in providing the best quality healthcare possible. 

If you would like to find out more about Health Fund PLUS call 0204 139 8518 or email info@northlandcommunityfoundation.org.nz




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