Knitting Challenge Produces Sixty-six New Blankets for Newborns | Te Whatu Ora - Te Tai Tokerau

Knitting Challenge Produces Sixty-six New Blankets for Newborns

Over the Christmas and new year period, Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora Te Kotuku Maternity Unit found themselves running low on blankets available to use for newborn pēpi.   

Blankets are crucial to the unit as babies need to be kept warm no matter what the season it is, especially in the first couple of days post birth.  

Because fleecy blankets don’t breathe and can make a baby sweat, knitted and crocheted coverings are the best.   

To obtain more blankets on the unit, a challenge was created for the team. They were given three months for maternity staff to create blankets for the ward.   

“This was taken on with gusto,” says organiser Annetta Davis, Registered Midwife at Health NZ.   

“Administrators, nurses, midwives and doctors took on the challenge. Those who weren’t in the challenge spurred us on and helped with team effort blankets - individuals who did a few rows each.   

“It was super fun for us all sharing patterns, showing what we were up to, encouraging and teaching others to knit or crochet,” says Annetta.   

Sixty-six blankets were produced due to this challenge.  

There was a winner for best blanket, won by Girija for her beautiful kiwi blanket and a winner for the most blankets made, won by Kat Marsh who had never crocheted before the competition.  

Iona Cameron-Smith, Health NZ | Te Tai Tokerau Midwife Manager shared that Annetta was instrumental in this team challenge and wanted to thank her for a great team building effort.    

“Everyone enjoyed themselves and have felt so happy to be a part of keeping our pēpi warm,” smiles Annetta.  

The Maternity Unit also have many fabulous knitters from around Aotearoa who donate booties, hats and singlets.  

They are grateful for any donations. You can contact Te Kotuku on 09 430 4100 ext: 60300. 

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