Rapid Relief Enables Equitable Access to Pulse Oximetry Screening in Northland | Te Whatu Ora - Te Tai Tokerau

Rapid Relief Enables Equitable Access to Pulse Oximetry Screening in Northland

The Rapid Relief donation of 15 Pulse Oximeters, valued at $19,500, to the Te Kotuku maternity unit in Whangārei today was welcomed and deeply appreciated. 

Pulse oximetry, a simple and painless test that measures the oxygen level in the blood, is a crucial tool in our fight against potential heart issues. When done early, this non-invasive screening can lead to timely intervention and significantly improve newborn outcomes. 

“Before we implemented Pulse Oximetry screening in Northland, we wanted to make sure that every baby born in our region had access to the service,” explains Sue Bree, Director of Midwifery and Service Manager. 

“The Rapid Relief donation means we can provide the equipment across all our services in Whangārei, Bay of Islands, Kaitaia and the community. We are extremely grateful.” 

Congenital heart defects are the most common group of congenital malformations and the leading cause of infant mortality from congenital disabilities. However, most congenital cardiac anomalies are amenable to surgery if diagnosis and intervention happen in a timely manner. 

“We were looking for specific ways to support the public health sector, to make a tangible difference,” said Danny Blampied, Director of Rapid Relief Team Global. 

“We trust this latest investment will benefit the new babies born in Northland to get the very best start to life they can!” 

Implementing screening of all newborn infants will likely achieve the most significant benefit and the most equitable outcomes for our Northland babies.

Danny Blampied (RRT), Sue Bree, Te Kotuku midwifery staff and Cameron Whitehouse(RRT)

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