Bowel Screening Programme detects 83 cases of bowel cancer in Te Tai Tokerau since November 2021 | Te Whatu Ora - Te Tai Tokerau

Bowel Screening Programme detects 83 cases of bowel cancer in Te Tai Tokerau since November 2021

The National Bowel Screening Programme has reached an incredible milestone, distributing 2 million home-screening kits across New Zealand.

Since its national roll-out in 2017, the programme has detected 2495 cancers, with a third of these found at an early stage. This early detection significantly increases the chances of survival, offering hope and health to thousands of New Zealanders.

In Te Tai Tokerau, we have contributed significantly to this achievement. Since the rollout in November 2021, our region has distributed 59,147 kits, with 31,505 of these kits returned and processed. This effort has resulted in 1344 positive results and the detection of 83 cancers (stats as of 22/07/24). These numbers are more than just statistics; they represent lives saved and families given a second chance.

A short snippet from one of our participants who is on the road to recovery ~

“I would not have got through this without the love & support from my wonderful whānau & friends. I will be forever grateful to the Bowel Screening team for their reminders and encouraging me to do the test.  Who knows what my situation would be without their persistence. I now advise everyone not to ignore the kits when they arrive. My sincere thanks to everyone involved in this most unexpected journey.”

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all who have participated in the programme. Your proactive steps in completing and returning your kits have made a substantial difference. We also want to thank all Te Tai Tokerau staff who have tirelessly encouraged their friends, whānau, and patients to take part in this life-saving programme.

We urge all our Te Tai Tokerau whānau aged 60-74 to participate in the National Bowel Screening Programme. If you or someone you know is in this age range, please take this vital step towards early detection and better health outcomes.

For any questions or to request a kit, please contact us at 

Your health matters, and together, we can continue to make a significant impact in the fight against bowel cancer.

Thank you for your ongoing support and dedication to improving the health of our Te Tai Tokerau whānau. Let's continue this important mahi and work towards a healthier future for all.


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