We acknowledge the unique and special status of Ngā Hine kōpū as the keepers of te ira tangata.
Ngā Wānanga o Hine Kōpū is a FREE kaupapa Māori labour, birth and parenting programme designed for wahine hapu and their whānau. The wānanga is an interactive and fun programme run over two days
He aha te kaupapa / What is involved? Ngā Wānanga o Hine Kōpū has been designed to provide you and your whānau with the best information and skills needed to be ready for pregnancy, birth and parenthood. Over the two days, you will explore matauranga Māori including traditional birthing practices, korero from a variety of knowledgable speakers. You will be able to participate in interactive activities, connect with other like-minded people and you will be encouraged to wananga with your own whanau around creating your own whanau birthing tikanga.
He aha ngā rauemi ka tohaina kia koe / What is provided on the programme? Other than listening to and having the opportunity to korero with some awesome kaikorero, you will also receive your own wananga pack. Inside you will find everything you need to participate and more. There will be a Whanau Workbook that you can utilise to capture your whakaaro and our korero. It also includes uku (clay) so you can make an ipu whenua, a vessel to hold your pepi placenta, muka to tie the pepi pito as well as some other beautiful taonga for you and your pepi.
Our kaikorero will engage you in purakau, matauranga Maori, korero around Mama, Pepi and whanau rongoa (more than panipani and tonics). You will hear korero around taonga puoro, waikawa/wahakura, wai u, the use of tii rakau as a healthy decision making technique, and we can also create a special space for our Dad’s to wananga with themselves (what is said in that space – stays in that space!)
We welcome you and your whanau to your wananga. Register below and we will be in contact with you soon.
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