He kākāno au i ruia mai i Rangiatea Celebrating YOU. We are all descendants from the divine universe; I celebrate in the uniqueness that is me.
Manaakitia te māhuri he tupuna kei roto Nothing is more important than giving new life. Nurture and take care of the future that grows within for one day they will stand as the ancestors of tomorrow.
Kia puta ora ai ngā hua Every pregnancy is a new pregnancy. Take care of yourself and be present in the moment. This is the most important role you will have in your life time. This is your chance to help in the creation of a miracle.
Me whakapapa te ora Whānau begins with whakapapa. Our greatest taonga tuku iho is whakapapa which is derived from Atua. Aspirations for oranga are about ultimate wellness and thriving.
He ōhanga wairua he puna tangata Your tūpuna chose you. Acknowledge the unique and special status of ngā Hine kōpū as the keepers of te ira tangata.
Tahia te ara kia kitea ai te huarahi, ahu atu tō matā ki te ao mārama kei reira ngā uri whakatupu kāhore ano i whānau mai e tatari atu ana i a koe Clear away the obstacles to have a healthy, happy pregnancy.
Nau te rourou nāku te rourou ka ora te iwi Share your wisdom in a hapu wānanga. Each whānau come with their own stories they have received from tūpuna. These stories are shared in a wānanga space that gives them life and allows for matauranga to be validated in a Māori way.
I haere mai koe e te ahuru mōwai ki te ao mārama tau ana From one safe space to another. Acknowledging the sanctity and safety of te whare tangata as te ahuru mowai and transferring that safety to a waikawa safe sleep space.
Ko te whenua te wai-ū mō ngā uri whakatupu Ukaipo is used to describe our divine mother Papatuanuku. She gives us sustenance and nurtures all who dwell upon her. Breastfeeding connects us to our whenua, te whāngāi ū nurtures not only our body but also our spirit.
Tihewa Mauri Ora Infused with the essence of life.