The paediatric community nurse is the local representation of the Child Health Service in the Kaipara area. Other members of the team visit from Whangarei as the need arises and include a paediatrician, physiotherapist, psychologist, dietitian and child health occupational therapist.
The paediatric community nurse's primary role is to provide assessment and follow-up after discharge from hospital, as well as ongoing support and monitoring of children with chronic illness and/or disabilities. This person also works with children and their family immediately after discharge from hospital to help them manage acute illness in the home.
Health professionals refer patients to the service. Usually, the children are already under a paediatrician's care.
Tuesday and Thursday
8.00 am to 4.30 pm
Phone 09 439 3330 – Press the number indicated for Community Health Services, then ask to speak to the paediatric community nurse.
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