Surgical Ward 4 | Te Whatu Ora - Te Tai Tokerau

Surgical Ward 4

Ward 4 is a 28-bed surgical ward.

During your stay in the ward, a team consisting of a house officer, a registrar and a consultant will manage your health care. There are five ENT (ear/nose and throat) specialists, five gynaecologists, seven general surgeons, two urologists, and five orthopaedic surgeons. Occasionally a medical student will be working with the team.

Other members of the team include a social worker, physiotherapist, occupational therapist, speech-language therapist, dietitian, ward clerk, specialist nurses, Chaplain, Takawaenga (Māori Health Liaison Officers), and the patient and their family/whānau.

The consultant visits the ward patients in the morning after admission and during scheduled ward rounds each weekday. You will be seen by one of your team every day of the week. During the weekend a doctor will not see you unless your condition needs to be reviewed. If you do need a review it will probably be the on-duty doctor that visits you. If you or your family wish to see a doctor, your nurse can facilitate this.

A nurse will be assigned to you each shift. Each nurse is allocated a number of patients. The nurse will introduce him/herself at the beginning of their duty.

The Takawaenga recognise the importance of support in both spiritual and physical matters by liaising with patients/whanau and the medical team, to ensure the needs of tūroro Māori (Māori patients) are being met. In collaboration with the patient, we work to achieve the optimal health outcome

You will notice we start to discuss and plan your discharge soon after you are admitted. This is so we can ensure you will be leaving the hospital in a safe/appropriate environment.

Acute Surgery

When your surgery is unexpected, we endeavour to get you to surgery as soon as possible. Obviously, life-threatening cases have a preference and occasionally this may mean a long wait-or postponing surgery to the next day if the hour is late. We apologise for any inconvenience you experience.


Click here for visiting hours.


Surgical Ward 4 is located on the 4th Floor Whangārei Hospital.


Ph: 09 430 4101 ext 8224

When phoning the ward please remember that this is a busy surgical ward and restrict phone calls. When busy the phone will only be taken to patients in an emergency situation. We encourage you to bring a cell phone with you. This will enable your family and friends to contact you directly.

For helpful hospital hints refer to Visitor and Patient Information.

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