E atawhai ana mātou
Te whakatōkia o ngā kakano i ruia mai
E nga māhuri tōtara e tipu ana mō āpōpō.
Nā tātou katoa hei awhi te kaupapa,
Hei mana ake te tū tauira tonu ai.
Haumi ē, Hui ē, Tāiki ē
We nurture and protect
the seeds sown near and far,
so that they may grow into mighty tōtara for a not so distant tomorrow.
We embrace our responsibility
To encourage students on a path of lifelong learning.
Unified! Together! Strong!
Mana Ake provides a new approach to delivering additional mental health support for children in primary and intermediate schools across the Te Tai Tokerau region.
Mana Ake seeks to provide holistic support through:
Mana Ake is strongly aligned with the recommendations made in He Ara Oranga: Report of the Government Inquiry into Mental Health and Addiction (He Ara Oranga) to better equip teachers, schools, and communities to respond to the wellbeing needs of Tamariki, support Tamariki to build resilience and coping strategies, and to increase access to early intervention supports.
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