Renal Health - Recipe Book | Te Whatu Ora - Te Tai Tokerau

Renal Health - Recipe Book

COOK for LIFE is a practical ‘how to’ cookbook written for the Shelford whānau. For most, cooking for a family member with a medical condition is a challenge. This book considers the whole family including Brian with diabetes and on haemodialysis. The cookbook evolved from family favourite recipes to include the detail that makes meals successful and healthful.

The book outlines ‘how to’ make a weekly meal plan, followed by ‘how to select’ the appropriate ingredients for a shopping list. Recipes were often modified to lower the salt and sugar content. Flavour is also a consideration. 

Finally, ‘how to’ compile a plate of food including all the food groups. Meal balance over the day is illustrated so dialysis-friendly meals for all the family are nutritious and can be enjoyed.  Brian requested that the book be shared with his ‘dialysis family’. Blank pages have been added so families can add their own healthy favourites.  The cookbook is designed so one and all can enjoy dialysis-friendly meals together now and for future generations. 

This book is about a personal journey in Northland. It is a privilege that the Shelford family are sharing this book with us all. It was produced in partnership with Ena and Brian Shelford and is dedicated to Brian Shelford who passed in April 2018 aged 63. Olwyn T-T, Renal Dietitian

How to Order

Community organisations can order Cook for Life from the Northland Renal Education Trust.

Email to arrange a quote. 

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