The use of sunbeds (or tanning booths) is not recommended. Sunbeds expose their users to higher levels of dangerous UV radiation than the sun. This can increase your risk of melanoma and other skin cancers. Sunbeds are not a safe way to tan or boost your vitamin D.
The risk of skin cancer increases the more you use sunbeds, and the younger you start using them. Your skin is also likely to age faster.
Ngā Tai Ora – Public Health Northland surveys businesses offering sunbed services at least twice a year, to ensure they are complying with the required standard (AS/NZS 2635:2088 – Solaria for cosmetic purposes).
Ngā Tai Ora – Public Health Northland provides the following documents to sunbed operators to assist with compliance with the standard
An amendment to the Health Act 1956 and further regulations from the Ministry of Health on sunbeds came into force on January 4, 2017. This means a fine of up to $10,000 can be imposed for providing sunbed services to those under 18 years of age.
If in doubt, sunbed operators should ask to see evidence of age. Passports, driver’s licence or Kiwi Access/18+ card are all accepted forms of ID.
For further information please contact the on-call Health Protection Officer on 09-430 4100.
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